Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Term 3

The start to Term 3 came as a bit of a shock, coming just seven days after the end of Term 2.

This was done to allow us students the entire summer to carry out our project until we begin checking in at Chadwick in mid-September. But in reality it meant another double presentation just a week after the last one.

Throw in a deadline for the 3,000 word essay and you've got a pretty cramped schedule. Toploading I think the Yanks call it. Either way, it was busy.

Still, moaning is for losers and it was just a case of getting on with it. I was quite surprised at how many people did actually turn up, thought there would be more duckers who failed to prepare properly.

Well, to be totally honest, some of the presentations were limited to say the least. Each presentation had to consist of your book project (carrying on either your travel or social issues project from Term 2) and your essay proposal. A few of the students went light on the essay part of the presentation. Mine was not brilliant.

Still, I got the message across. For my essay I'm pursuing the Before and After theme, with the hypothesis that Before and After photography is manipulative and only exists as a sales technique. It's a topic I'll have to shrink before I actually write the 5,000 word essay.

My book project will, of course, be Smoking In Public, for which I have trawled the towns and cities of Manchester, Liverpool, Preston and Blackpool.

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