Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It is accomplished

Got my Masters degree certificate in the post this morning. It's not as impressive as the certificates you used to get years ago with a big embossed logo but the certificate doesn't really matter, does it?

In fact, passing the course didn't really matter - it was all about learning. I learned about some old photographers, some crap theories, how to develop a project and how to produce a book.

Last month was the graduation ceremony at Bolton University. I didn't go. I kind of forgot. Or only remembered when it was too late. I bumped into fellow Master Mark Scholey and he said I was the only one who didn't go. I felt a bit guilty.

But the pomp and ceremony and stupid hats don't mean much to me. And I'd rather spend my ever-dwindling financial resources on a budget flight rather than a tatty cape.

Was the course perfect? Course not. Nothing is. The main area it fell short was in teaching you how to put together a budget proposal to get a commission or a grant. It was mainly covered through us doing a presentation. Those who had experience of it did well, those who didn't struggled. And that was it.

It's the one area that still strikes fear into my soul. Shame really, especially as the charismatic Ian Beesley has previous in this area.

And organisation problems apart the lectures were superb, several of Beesley's being better than the big-name visitors, while the confidence from learning has been invaluable already.

Garry Cook, MA.

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