Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dressed-up dogs in Blackpool

“This is the place to be if you like dogs dressed up, and who doesn't love a clothed canine?”

Not my words and not here. No. These are the words of the Peckham Pet-Tastic website, home of the slightly surreal and very eccentric Pet-Tastic event.

And where does Pet-Tastic go for a holiday? Blackpool, of course. Home of the surreal and the eccentric. The brash and the crass. The working classes and their dogs.

Artist Rachael House has the kind of pink hair usually seen in wig-wearing dozen-strong Hen Parties.

The point of her art is that it reaches the working classes, communicates with the masses and takes away the elitism of art. They should give her a summer season in Blackpool.

Anyway, I love owt like this me like.

On Sunday, September 13, I went along (without the dogs) and took photos. Here are a few.


Onion said...

Wasn't Pet-Tastic fab? For some reason I can't see the pics. Should I be looking somewhere else? Onion

Onion said...

Love the photos, thank you! What a fantastic time we all had!Onion

Onion said...

I've finally got round to posting a link on my blog -- I hope that's OK? Onion