Thursday, February 11, 2010

Quick guide to stock photo libraries and agencies

I sell images via stock agency Alamy.

I remember around the end of 2007/beginning of 2008 it was big news that they passed the 10million mark of images in their library. Now they have 17.84m (I just checked).

Alamy is one of the biggest and best agencies around. They’ve done a good job of competing with Getty and Corbis Images. Here in Britain they do very well in providing images for newspapers.

But there are hundreds of stock agencies around the globe. I read about agencies closing almost on a weekly basis. I read about agencies launching always on a weekly basis.

Image buyers have an impossible job when searching for the perfect photograph for their needs. It is too easy to fall into a routine of checking two, maybe three libraries and ignoring the rest.

Discovering new libraries takes time, a commodity most picture editors have not got.

That job is made a little easier by this pretty nifty new resource

The base directory lists almost every online agency in the world. The site organizes agencies into clear categories. It’s a great starting point and a fascinating site to browse.

The site is run by Technology Relations. They also photo resource sites

Through I found the brilliant Red Bull Photofiles who licence free use of their branded images. Here is one of the images.

(c) Getty Images/Red Bull Photofiles

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