Wednesday, June 06, 2012

360-degree panorama photography (review 1)

After seeing some decent results from other users, I've downloaded some 36--degree apps for my Android phone.

Over the next week or so I will test them and report my findings. First up is this one by (the web link doesn't mean much but you shuld find the app by searching for Sfera).



I've taken the code from the webpage link after uplaoding my 360-images, which was taken today in the park outside Clitheroe Castle. 

To use this free app, you have to tap your phone screen and then slowly rotate clockwise. There is a helpful on-screen horizon line to make sure you don't slip from the phone's viewing plane too much.

GOOD: It works quite well. There's audio too - which was a surprise and not always a good thing. Audio can be switched off easily in the app. It also has GPS location.

BAD: The link you get to view your 360-degree panorama online is not the most easy on the eye and does take a while to load. We'll see how the loading time compares with the other apps.

When you upload your link on the app a message tells you that you must buy 'tickets' to post links - with the first five tickets free. To buy 10 tickets (you can't buy a single) costs £1.19. This is not great value.

SUMMARY: Decent quality but may be more cost-effective to get an app where you pay upfront.

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